Large mammals

Heritability Estimates of Antler and Body Traits in White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) From Genomic-Relatedness Matrices

Estimating heritability (h2) is required to predict the response to selection and is useful in species that are managed or farmed using trait information. Estimating h2 in free-ranging populations is challenging due to the need for pedigrees; …

On-animal acoustic monitoring provides insight to ungulate foraging behavior

Foraging behavior underpins many ecological processes; however, robust assessments of this behavior for free-ranging animals are rare due to limitations to direct observations. We leveraged acoustic monitoring and GPS tracking to assess the factors …

Mortality of mule deer fawns in a natural gas development area

Moderate densities of natural gas development in the production phase had limited effect on mule deer fawn survival.

Assessing the utility of satellite transmitters for identifying nest locations and foraging behavior of the threatened Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus

We show that small satellite tags are of limited utility for identifying nesting locations for the Marbled Murrelet.

Applying network theory to animal movements to identify properties of landscape space use

We describe a novel application of network theory to fine-scale animal movement data, using African elephants, giant Galapagos tortoises and mule deer as examples.

Predation risk across a dynamic landscape: effects of anthropogenic land use, natural landscape features, and prey distribution

We examined the spatial patterns of mule deer predation during periods of high and low natural gas development activity finding complex relationships between predation and both natural and anthropogenic features.

Variation in Ungulate Body Fat: Individual Versus Temporal Effects

Across multiple study sites in Colorado, mule deer body fat was not well explained by spatial or temporal effects, suggesting individual characteristics, particularly the successful weaning of fawns in the previous year are the dominant forces driving variation in body fat.

Reproductive success of mule deer in a natural gas development area

Comparing mule deer reproduction (pregnancy, fetal rates and fetal survival) between areas of low and high density natural gas development, we found limited evidence of an effect of development on reproduction. In 1 of 3 years, fetal survival was lower int he more heavily developed area.

Movement reveals scale dependence in habitat selection of a large ungulate

Using a novel method to assess habtiat selection across spatiotemporal scales defined by animals movements, we show that mule deer display scale-dependent responses to most habitat features but scale-invariant avoidance of natural gas development.

Causes and consequences of variation in animal space-use and movement

Under construction Team members involed in this project Brynn McLellan Grace Bullington Helena Rheault Joe Northrup Maegwin Bonar Robby Marrotte Tyler Ross