Hierarchical models

Interaction among drivers of global change

Under construction

Moose population dynamics in Ontario

Under construction

Mule deer and natural gas development in the Piceance Basin

The focus of this research is to understnad how natural gas development influences the behavior and population dynamics of mule deer. Natural gas development increased rapidly throughout western North America through the 2000s.

Southern Hudson Bay polar bears

Under construction Team members involed in this project Joe Northrup Tyler Ross

White-tailed deer movement and disease ecology in Southern Ontario

Under construction Team members involed in this project Grace Bullington Joe Northrup

Environmental dynamics and anthropogenic development alter philopatry and space-use in a North American cervid

Using a movement-derived home range estimator, we documented incredibly high spatial fidelity to seasonal ranges in mule deer. Natural gas development reduced this fidelity in some case.

Quantifying spatial habitat loss from hydrocarbon development through assessing habitat selection patterns of mule deer

Extraction of oil and natural gas (hydrocarbons) from shale is increasing rapidly in North America, with documented impacts to native species and ecosystems. With shale oil and gas resources on nearly every continent, this development is set to …

Landscape and anthropogenic features influence the use of auditory vigilance by mule deer

While visual forms of vigilance behavior and their relationship with predation risk have been broadly examined, animals also employ other vigilance modalities such as auditory vigilance by listening for the acoustic cues of predators. Similar to the …

Temporal autocorrelation functions for movement rates from global positioning system radiotelemetry data

We examined autocorrelation in movement patterns across multiple species, showing relatively consistent temporal patterning of behavior in elk, grizzly bears and grey wolves