Heritability Estimates of Antler and Body Traits in White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) From Genomic-Relatedness Matrices

Estimating heritability (h2) is required to predict the response to selection and is useful in species that are managed or farmed using trait information. Estimating h2 in free-ranging populations is challenging due to the need for pedigrees; …

Squeezed by a habitat split: Warm ocean conditions and old-forest loss interact to reduce long-term occupancy of a threatened seabird

Theory predicts that species requiring multiple habitat types simultaneously should have heightened sensitivity to anthropogenic pressures, yet tests of this prediction are especially rare. We tested whether breeding site occupancy of the threatened …

Improving spatial predictions of animal resource selection to guide conservation decision making

Resource selection is often studied by ecologists interested in the environmental drivers of animal space use and movement. These studies commonly produce spatial predictions, which are of considerable utility to resource managers making habitat and …

On-animal acoustic monitoring provides insight to ungulate foraging behavior

Foraging behavior underpins many ecological processes; however, robust assessments of this behavior for free-ranging animals are rare due to limitations to direct observations. We leveraged acoustic monitoring and GPS tracking to assess the factors …

Synergistic effects of climate and land‐use change influence broad‐scale avian population declines

Bird species in the Pacific Northwest of the United States declined most in areas that had both habitat loss and climate change (measured as temperature and precipitation).

Impacts of the Northwest Forest Plan on forest composition and bird populations

We provide a test of the efficacy of the Northwest Forest Plan, showing that despite limiting cutting of old growth forest, wildlfire has caused continued losses and declines in old growth associated birds have been amplified.

Behavioral valuation of landscapes using movement data

We review the ways in which movement data can be used to infer the value of spatial locations to animals

Mortality of mule deer fawns in a natural gas development area

Moderate densities of natural gas development in the production phase had limited effect on mule deer fawn survival.

Assessing the utility of satellite transmitters for identifying nest locations and foraging behavior of the threatened Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus

We show that small satellite tags are of limited utility for identifying nesting locations for the Marbled Murrelet.

A comment on priors for Bayesian occupancy models

We discuss the implications for occupancy models of seemingly diffuse normal priors becoming highly informative when transformed for use in modeling binary data